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Hydrology surveys monitoring

Water will often be present on a site, even if it is not apparent in the form of underground streams, aquifers and springs. Knowing where the water is and where it flows is very important before starting work on any site. This can include river and tidal streams or standing water in lakes and ponds. The life in those waters is very important and understanding the hydrology of a site will aid habitat protection.


  • Surface Water on site
  • Rivers and Streams
  • Sub-surface streams and rivers
  • Aquifers
  • Lakes and ponds
  • Estuaries
  • Tidal flows in the sea

Surveying the water on a site and understanding the implications may involve a number of activities and tasks, some of which are listed here.


  • Hydro-geological desk-study
  • Drilling boreholes for location of underground water
  • Site assessment and flow monitoring
  • Estuary and tidal flow desk study or on-site assessment.
  • Rainfall and run-off study

Dealing with the water on and around a site will then involve water management techniques to be employed such as bunds, balancing ponds, weirs, damns and monitoring strategies. Castle’s hydrology experts bring years of experience to ensure that all relevant issues can be addressed in the most appropriate manner and to your timescales.


Call us now for some FREE advice on
01723 584250 and see how we can help you.

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